Reinventing Midlife

Inspiring women to reinvent, thrive and shine in Midlife

Get my 100% free Basic Guide to Menopause

I am so excited to share some essential information and practical strategies to navigate midlife changes confidently and improve their overall well-being.

Hi there

My name is Karen Thornton

As a woman who has navigated the challenges and transformations of midlife, I understand the complex journey many of us face during this season of life. From the surprising twists of hormonal changes to the shifting roles we play, midlife can be both overwhelming and liberating. 

My own journey was met with the added challenge of Hashimoto's disease, an autoimmune condition that affected not only my physical health but also my sense of well-being and energy. These experiences gave me a deep understanding of how isolating and exhausting this phase can feel, and they fueled my passion to help other women find balance, strength, and clarity as they walk their own paths.

From my blog

Menopause 101

In this post, I share the phases of menopause, common symptoms, and how to prepare for this next stage of life

Managing Hashimoto's Flare

How to Manage a Hashimoto's Flare

In this episode, I discuss the symptoms of a Hashimoto's flare, what could cause a flare and how you can manage your flare.



Virginia Beach, VA

Karen Thornton

It is such a pleasure to have you here, and I look forward to connecting with you. If you are looking for information about thriving in midlife, check out my resources.

© Copyright Karen Thornton.  All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy

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My "10 step road to success" free guide

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